March and her Many Moods

Oh, tempestuous March. How I do love you. With the depths of winter behind us, March is the month where spring begins to open her doors. Temperatures can vary radically, swinging from a lovely warm spring day to a mixture of sun, rain, and hail. Very nearly all three at the same time. Moody, complicated and temperamental.

One thing for certain, there is a tinge of warmth in the breeze. The biennials and perennials are waking up, hydrangeas and roses are beginning to swell with tender foliage. The landscape takes on a spring green and it all looks a little unruly with everything growing at its own pace.

The cold hardy annuals have outgrown their pots and are outside “hardening off” soaking up the sun, breeze and rain. They are telling me they are ready and will be planted out the first week of April. I dream of blowsy Ammi and Dara, sweet peas winding their way upwards and spires of Foxglove.

I will sow my final annuals this week and continue to tend to the annuals already started. The vegetable garden has been started with onions, leeks, beets, arugula and kale.

March is a frantic month. There is a tremendous amount to accomplish and it all needs to be done at the same time. Each day I can be in the garden there is a lengthy list, tasks being checked off and those that I can’t get to slip over to the next gardening day.

Birdsong fills the morning air and flocks of geese fly overhead. All of this gardeners hard work will pay off as the promise of spring is here.

Wishing you the best of everything.

x Susan


Cottage Garden Style


Winter Gardening